My Favorite Drug - Writing

The Healing Magic of the Written Word

If we don’t do anything else to heal ourselves - Write!

The ancient self-expression of the written word may save you.

This week’s newsletter - and the Recover! Heal! Launch! Premium videos - are focused on writing and journaling as a lifestyle.

Premium Members: Your exclusive premium content is at the bottom of the newsletter - a deeper dive into this topic!

“Everywhere I go I find a poet has been there before me.”

―  Sigmund Freud


No one is quite sure Freud actually said that, but I like it. Writing gives us access to the deeper parts of our psyche.

There is no better tool for healing than a regular writing practice. Whether it’s journaling, poetry, prose, or rants - it’s a doorway to the deep. I thought I’d stray a bit in this newsletter to explore the “juicy” origin story of writing.

It appears that writing was originally inspired by alcohol. This makes sense because most drinkers I know, recovering or otherwise, have stunning stories and an urge to tell them.

Written language was the product of an agrarian society and much of their concern was grain cultivation. Some of the oldest written inscriptions were related to the celebration of beer and the daily ration allotted to each citizen. Whether or not the Mesopotamians were seeking spiritual growth, their obsession with “spirits” of the fermented type seems to have inspired a useful form of expression.

Plato was boldly against writing. He thought it would destroy the memory of people. He was right. People in his day could memorize, on only a few hearings, tens of thousands of lines of poetry – word perfect. This was the only way to pass along stories and information. Writing destroyed that ability in only a few generations. 

In ancient Europe, esoteric knowledge was preserved in the form of an alphabet system called runes and, because the Romans captured much of continental Europe, their style of writing was also adopted.

The Celts were more protective of their stories and knowledge and chose to keep them in the memories of well-trained Druids.  Unfortunately, most of it was lost because the Druids refused to preserve very much through writing. They held the wisdom in their bones. This is another practical reason to develop our intuition and spiritual listening skills. Those of us who are descendants of these and other lost tribes (most of us!) must attune ourselves well to the stories inscribed in our bones if we are to know our roots. 

Early writing was mostly poetic in style. Prose was used mostly in a utilitarian way and was synonymous with “dull” or “unimaginative.” Today, prose is writing distinguished from poetry by its greater variety of rhythm and a closer resemblance to the patterns of everyday speech. The word “prose” actually comes from the Latin prosa meaning straightforward. 

So, here we are today, chronicling our thoughts and feelings and our entire history as a species - based on the literary developments of a bunch of drunks and against the advice of one of history’s greatest minds. It’s dubious encouragement, but let’s do it anyway.

Of all the art forms we explore as children, writing comes online last. It is the bridge between intellect and emotion. That is why it is so important for our growth. Emotions are hard to express accurately, but with writing, we can play with metaphor and imagery and find a satisfying approximation.

In Julia Cameron’s seminal book, The Artist’s Way, she suggests “Morning Pages.” This entails 3 pages of longhand writing each day. And yes - in the morning. And yes - longhand.

I have practiced Morning Pages off and on for 20 years. The gifts are immense, and my resistance to the process can also be significant. Whenever I am in a regular rhythm of writing my unedited thoughts and emotions, my life is more satisfying. It is a perfect equation. But sometimes I like my misery, so I find myself letting go of the practice. But I’m a writing maniac these days - so I’m good!

There is even an ecstatic experience with writing. When I am in the zone, I have a feeling that is much like that romantic love thing we all talk about so much. I think it is related to the muse idea. Sometimes I just can’t wait to see her again. And the lovemaking aspect of writing and in all of the expressive arts is a whole other newsletter.

You may be deeply engaged in a writing practice, or just getting started. Don’t wait for the perfect situation - grab a pen and paper and write. A regular practice is an essential part of healing. Write down your dreams, plan your day, tap into memories, write poetry, make up a story, scribble, draw, or get your frustrations, joys, and visions out on paper unedited. Write!

Getting to know our deepest selves through writing is a huge step toward accepting our entire being. Sharing some of it with others may come later, but it is of immense value to you and the world. Join Recover! Heal! Launch! to dig deeper into all of this and for workbook questions and videos that will stimulate the writing process and more.

An Affirmation

Today, I acknowledge that “I am a Writer.” I am allowing my deepest emotions and thoughts to come forward. I am writing for myself and as a contribution to a world in need of healing.

Reminder: You are part of a community here. We are supporting each other to grow! Please reply with your experience and comments. We’ll be doing a monthly round-up of community responses.

With warmth,


Premium Members: More on this topic below! Scroll down for the Recover! Heal! Launch! videos with Bob, worksheets, questions for growth, affirmations, meditations, solutions, and guided visualizations.

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